Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Making gold in World of Warcraft.

Making gold in World of Warcraft

Everything you need to know about WoW Free trial!

I have successfully made thousands upon thousands of gold in World of Warcraft and i am often asked by my friends and guildmates how i do it.

The easiest and by far most effective way to make gold is to get good farming professions. This means herbalism and mining. If you can save up 5000g for an epic flying mount then you can make roughly 1000g a day just from herbalism alone! I know this because i have done so many times.

Mining is probably the second most profitable profession you can have. Just like herbalism all you have to do is go out and fly around mining nodes for an hour or so to farm lots of gold.

Once you have your mats (herbs, ore) you need to sell it on the auction house. I recommend using an addon called auctioneer to scan and automatically post your auctions. You can scan the auction house once a day or week to keep current with prices of items on the auction house for your server. After you have scanned the auction house you can use auctioneer to competitively post your herbs and ore for big profits.

Another easy way i find to make gold is fishing. If you max out your fishing skill and fish in the level 70-80 areas you can make a surprising amount of gold. Just search the auction house for the fish that sell for the most and then go fishing.

Cooking is yet another profitable profession. Use it along with fishing to make even more gold!

Just keep up to date on the current auction prices and whats selling for a lot and the amount of gold you can make is up to you! A little research goes a long way!

For tons of tips tricks to making a ton of gold in WoW click here!

WoW Arena system

World of Warcraft Arenas

For many people the Arena system is all they spend their time doing in the World of Warcraft. It is very addicting and at times can be quite time consuming.

There is nothing like the feeling of being one of the top rated teams on your server or battlegroup. It is a very intense cut throat fight to get to the top, but once you're there its amazing!

The concept of the Arena system is fairly easy to understand. You can either compete in 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 Arena teams. The easiest of course is the 2v2 because you can find a partner easily, but it tends to be the most competitive for the same reason.

3v3 is quite fun also, but it gets a bit harder to coordinate your teams efforts in defeating the opposing team. 5v5 is the most difficult to master and probably the least favorite of the WoW players.

Each week your team earns arena points based on rating to purchase new gear that gets them a leg up on the competition. The best gear you can buy with arena points requires a very high team rating and is the most sought after in the game.

If you are looking for information on how to compete more successfully in the arena system i recomment It is full of the latest specs, best combos, top rated teams and lots of player help and recommendations.